Saturday 10 February 2018

Italian with Pound

Looking for Stevens, I found my Pound.

He'll more than do, I thought.  And so it proved.

First a couple of epitaphs:


Fu-I loved the high cloud and the hill,
(Fu-I amava la nuvola alta e la collina)

Alas, he died of alcohol.
(Ahime, mori di alcool).

                Li Po

And Li Po also died drunk.
(E anche Li Po mori ubriaco).

He tried to embrace the moon
(Cercava di abbraciare la luna)

In the Yellow River.
(Nel Fiume Giallo).

     And possibly the most famous short poem by Pound:

A una fermata del Metro

L'apparizione di questi visi nella folla;
Petali sopra un umido ramo nero.

In a Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet black bough.



  1. I wonder if Pound had been to Japan.

    1. I wouldn't say he didn't. Some of his life is shrouded in mystery.

  2. O Dio della notte . . .
    O Dio del silenzio . . .
    O Dio delle acque . . .
    L'ombra di questa tua Venezia.

    Ezra Pound nacque a Hailey negli Stati Uniti, nel 1885 e mori in Italia - Venezia - nel 1972.

  3. This is the first mention of Ezra Pound that I've seen in decades. I wonder if this is as a result of his adherence to Fascism. He was very popular in my student days.

    1. I was looking for my Wallace Stevens book and found Ezra Pound. Last year I painted a picture of Stevens' poem The Man With a Blue Guitar. I think Picasso also did one. Anyway, this Pound book is bilingual and maybe there's a painting in there somewhere. Only time will tell. Perhaps Pound is out of favour in the EU Soviet. Who knows?

  4. I love Ezra Pound. About the metro-poem I wrote an essay at university.

    1. Pat at Weaver of Grass is an admirer of Ezra Pound and a fan of Venice. Amazing that you wrote a whole essay about those few words.

  5. Well done on your new PB. We've a friend over at the winter olympics on work. 7.5 miles this morning, back out on the trails. Yipee!

    1. We vaguely know somebody at the Olympics. I think 7.5 miles is a nice distance for a good training effort. About a mile more than I did if my mental arithmetic conversion is right. Today was the first day I've had what I can call optimal weather this year! Next weekend there's an ice bear race as its called. Last time I did it I was filmed by a drone!

    2. Fame at last. So far I’ve managed to avoid appearing on drone- filmed race videos. Phew.


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