Saturday, 22 September 2018

BREXIT: Kiss of Death for Chequers. Unscrupulous EU Trap Sprung in Salzburg.

I was never the biggest fan of the British PM but now I am. The EU's kiss-kiss bosses have sown the seeds of my discontent. I am seething. I see they have nothing to learn from Judas Iscariot, nor from the money-changers in the temple. Let them build their EU Reich, I care not anymore, for I know it is destined to the same fate as all previous efforts to control and manipulate the European peoples. The fat controllers and their dwarves have learned nothing from history. Their avarice and ambition knows no bounds. There is no means to which they will not stoop. They know nothing of honour and fair dealing. Under the guise of a refugee crisis and a terrorist crisis and any other crisis they think they can use they will now create their much vaunted European Army. I wonder who will be in charge of it. And I wonder who will dictate policy and who will give the orders. I think I know what the final outcome will be. Some of us have been there before. Others have the memories of parents and grandparents to draw on. Macron, Merkel and Co. have their own plans, agendas and their own theories. They do not include Britain, and probably the majority of the smaller EU countries who haven't yet woken up.  So be it.


  1. If only we had John Maynard Keynes still with us. I cannot speak any more about it, it is so much that we are the midst of a situation of headless chickens with no agenda but their own. He will be turning in his grave.

    1. About people turning their graves. History schoolbooks don't mention the first holocaust - the 'namib holocaust'. That was also a warning no-one heeded.

    2. The 'headless chickens' want 50 billion in corn. See Cro below.

  2. Why the hell we are expected to pay £50 Billion to leave this corrupt club; I cannot imagine. They have totally changed the demographic of Europe, which can now never be changed.

    1. Good question. People usually pay to join a club. Leaving is normally free.

  3. I wonder just how history we see us all floundering about and achieving nothing. I felt as you did about Mrs May but did think her speech yesterday was rather splendid.

    1. She's finally realized what Farage has been saying about the EU puppeteers for all these years is in fact on the mark.

  4. Well done on your 20 miler. Did you feel good after? The cake sounded just the job. As for Brexit, I’m fed up with it to the back teeth.

    1. Thanks CT, and yes I felt good after the run. No races planned. Something suitable will turn up I expect.

  5. __ Hearing strings vibrating in that wind, puppets pull back.

    string alarms
    as old winds build their tension
    puppets revolt

    1. I've recently seen a circle of 12 black stars on a gold EU flag. Seems appropriate.

      Italy is now getting seriously peed off with their EU masters.


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