Monday 6 March 2017

Silence is golden?

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil . . . 

Not to speak is to speak 

Not to act is to act" 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer  (1906 Poland - 1945 Germany)

It appears to be the case that Tony Blair wants to go to Syria as some kind of peacemaker and that he has gone to Washington to get his official pass stamped. 

It won't be easy for Blair to undo the multiple Gordian knots. Perhaps impossible. They may have to be cut. But it's a try. 

Here's one end of the string:  Who was behind the Syrian 2011 protest movement? 


  1. And who was US Secretary of State 2011...

    1. What computer... in the cellar_? Smiles, _m.

    2. It would make a good title for an Oscar winning movie: "We came, we saw, he died."

    3. I can see I'm going to have to read 1984 yet again. The world was on permanent red or amber alerts. We'll never see green again, said one of the characters, or maybe thought it. You could only have thoughts. Last time I heard it not long ago the time on the doomsday clock is now 23:58:30.

  2. __ The quotes above by Bonhoeffer, seem parallel to something that, 'ERIC' Blair may have said or written.

    1. Agreed, but for me the First Donald will always remain the Orwellian master with his known knowns, unknown unknowns, known unknowns news briefing.

    2. The first Donald being DR of course. If only he'd spill the beans instead of talking riddles.

  3. P resent
    O perational
    T endencies
    U nder
    S crutiny

    1. The swamp must be drained.

    2. The frogs are loudly croaking while hiding in the mud.


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