Monday 16 April 2018

Pre-Columbian Art (1)

Currently there is a Pre-Columbian Exhibition at the Institute of Science & Letters in Venezia. In this post I will show some decorated cups and vases from South and Central America. The exhibition features objects from several countries including Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador, Honduras and Mexico. 

It's a complete mystery to me why the marching hoards make their way in their noisy numbers beating a trail to the nearby Guggenheim Museum while completely ignoring exhibitions like this one or the one of the Chinese Caves which I featured recently. But I'm glad they do so. It means I can contemplate and appreciate these works in an atmosphere of peace and quiet. 

More treasures from the past in an upcoming post. 


  1. Very interesting. I wonder if Grayson Perry went to see the exhibition.

  2. I didn't see any teddy bears.

    1. I was thinking of his pottery. I don't know about teddy bears.

    2. I only know that because I just looked on his website. His thumbnail is a teddy.

    3. Grayson Perry is one of Weaver's favourite potters. This work reminded me of his work.

    4. She will like these then. They are over 500 years old.

    5. Some even much older than that of course. I'll try and put the other artifacts up tomorrow.


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