Saturday, 3 December 2016

The death of a clown in Aleppo

Anas Al Basha gave hope and joy to the children of Aleppo with his Space for Hope project.

He was killed by a costly missile or bomb fired or dropped by a fellow human being.

He was 24.

Unfunny words like "collateral damage" and "unfortunate incident" may be spoken in sombre tones by serious sounding spokespersons.

The children will not understand.


  1. Oh Gwil - it is all almost too much to bear I find.

    1. With more and more of these kinds of stories emerging there must one day come a sea change, as Shakespeare called it, in this world addicted to war and conflict.

  2. I love this drawing that you dedicated to him Gwil; red nose and orange wig, Anas went around the city, while part of his family, including his parents had already left the city. I consider people like him heroes. Also not long ago, the last remaining pediatrician, who chose to stay close to his young patients, was killed too. Molto triste.
    Saluti Maria x

    1. Grazie Maria. I saw his photo yesterday on the front page of a copy of Corriera Della Sera in a cafe' in Vienna and I thought: What a great human being.
      I have the feeling the Corriera is an important newspaper. I've noticed it often reports things we never read about in Austrian and German papers.
      Molto triste. Yes, the Italians always have the right words.

  3. __ Scott's Lady of the Lake, Canto V, passage XXVIII: in ANY and ALL of time, these to me... are meaningful segments:
    "fruitless brawl begun"
    "mother wails her son"
    "widow's mate expires"
    "orphans weep their sires"
    __ In today's mentality, there are some that would consider these segemnts as -sexist- but, the tears fallen are shed for those that care.

    1. "Can naught but blood our feud atone?"

      It seems not.

      My grateful thanks.

  4. One has to wonder what the aim is? To totally annihilate Aleppo, and all who live there, I imagine.

    1. Syria was one of the countries on the original list for destabilizing. But the Russians after seeing what happened in Libya and Iraq have sided with the Syrian government. Then there are the Turks, the Israelis, the Saudis, Uncoe Tom Coboey and all, and everybody's mercanary terrorists. Seem to be going according to plan, just about. I have strong hopes that Trump will meet Putin and sort it out, unlike the Nobel peace prize winner Obama who is mentally golfing in Hawaii it would appear . . .


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