Wednesday 29 August 2018

Album Covers (1-6)


  1. Different ways and different endings. But all the same enjoyment.

    1. So true and appreciated. Thanks.

      I'm curious as to what our polytunnel friend will think. He's my record album cover expert!

  2. Photo albums or record albums. They are all very good. I like the trees and the girls strutting their stuff on the catwalk the most. Your photos are art and very good. Just come in from the polytunnel. Just seen a rat in my compost heap. I told it to get lost. Hopefully it did. Country rats are quite clean really and eat organic things like blackberries and grass.

    1. Thank Dave. I love your compost heap rat story. My horror of rats goes back to night fishing on the canal towpath when we'd see their eyes on the opposite bank as they followed each other to the old grain wharehouse nose to tail, sometimes 40 or 50 or more of them. It was quite creepy!

    2. It's odd how the sepia colour produces a 3-D effect with the trees whereas b/w doesn't do it. Neither does colour.

  3. I have quite a few rat tales (tails) Gwil. Once I was sat on my fishing basket at an old mill lodge and I happened to look at my maggot containet at the side of me. There was this big mangy brown rat eating the bran the maggots were in. I could easy have put my hand down for some maggots and stroked old Mr or Mrs Rattus Norvegicus. I don't think I have ever picked up my fishing tackle so fast.

    1. a mangy brown rat feeding in a pot of maggots . . . the stuff nightmares are made of . . . thanks!


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