Wednesday 22 November 2017

First build your nest

1. Consult blueprints.

2. Choose suitable site. In this case, a broad leaved fruit tree.  Select position on west side of tree in hollow of high boughs, keeping a weather eye on the large black & white cat who patrols the area seeking whom he may devour.

Nest retrieved intact during pruning 22nd November undamaged -
survived storm with 136 km  gusts and other inclement weather

 3. Collect and place suitable materials in hollow in following order:
  (i) moss to line the concealment hollow
  (ii) mud for placing on top of moss to provide firm secure base
  (iii) plastic bag for placing on top of mud for insulation, waterproofing and warmth
  (iv) grass, straw, small twigs and moss for walls
  (v) continue building until walls of nest are of suitable thickness.

Nest inverted - showing details of construction 

Bird's eye view of interior 

Cross section showing materials - L at bottom - R at top

Not one fluffy feather.

Did they build more than one nest before making the final choice of abode?

Did the cat LOOK UP at the tree?

Or the jay look down  . . .


  1. Any idea what bird Gwil? I have found several nests over the years and, as you say, usually feather-lined. But one thing is for sure - birds are so clever when it comes to nest building.

    1. Have no idea what bird Pat. Nest was so well concealed it was not visible until nearly all the leaves had fallen from the tree. We have little birds come to the tree to peck the buds and look for insects but the nest is too large for them and they usually build in the hedges anyway. We didn't see any activity or hear any chicks. It was probably left vacant. Cat Danger!

  2. I love the skill shown in the arcitecture of a birds' nest. I think quite a few birds practice before making their final nest.

    1. I agree completely. The use of a plastic bag for example.

      It must be Friday afternoon, as I was typing my reply I received a news alert of an attack on a mosque in Egypt. More lives wasted.
      You'd think humanity would have enough to contend with with all the natural or if you like God made disasters; the floods, the volcanoes, the earthquakes, the droughts, the famines, the plagues etc., etc., etc., such as those listed at rsoe-edis every day without people adding to the heap of death their pathetic so-called contributions.


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