Friday, 6 July 2018

How to make Fake News.

Yesterday on a German version of this news story they showed part of this clip. It was the part where Angela Merkel spoke.  They DID NOT show the part where the Hungarian leader spoke.

They cut away when Merkel had finished and the commentator said: 'Orban remained hard'. 

Then it was on to the next item.

The uncritical viewer is left with the impression that Merkel is a kind of Mother Teresa figure.

Easy or what?


  1. Sadly Gwil this seems to be the way of the world these days - we are all aware of it and yet I am not sure that we don't take the fake in as well as the truth, whatever that is.

    1. Thanks for your comment Pat. The EU hierarchy is here in town. They are trying to salvage a bad situation. Their leader, Jean-Claude J said on the radio: All must all swim in the same direction. It's like something out of Chairman Mao's little red book, not mention in poor taste in view of the thousands who have drowned trying to get here.

    2. I guess they don't want anyone to know what Orban said.

  2. Merkel is still on the verge of a major catastrophe in Berlin.

    1. Major is a good word for the looming catastrophe . . . wonder how it will unfold . . . I'm watching closely . . . she need therapy when theyve finished with her . . .

    2. I think her father was a Lutheran priest or of that background. It would account for a lot, that and coming from the east, from behind the Wall. And on top of that the German WWll guilt. A psychologist would have a field day.

    3. Failure and not getting her own way do not exist for her. It must be only a matter of time before this happens.

    4. Watching her body language closely . . .

  3. Shouldn't you show the German clip as well? Just to be balanced, so we can make up our own minds, or is this 'fake news' as well?

    1. No and no. The idea of this post is to provide an insight of how 'fake news' is created. Please see the video in the post below. It's a a good starting point for you to learn about the nuances of the fake news industry. Each person must make his own investigations. Only that way can one we "make up our own minds". Thanks for your interest.


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