Thursday, 26 July 2018

The first lullaby I remember

Jo Stafford recorded it in 1949.

Goodness knows where my mum first heard it. On the radio perhaps?

It was surely our favourite lullaby. It's certainly the one that's firmly imprinted in my mind.

Later versions have never appealed to me.

Original 1949 Lyrics: Jack Segal.  Music: Evelyn Danzig.


  1. I remember this one too. I expect it was played on Luxembourg. She has a lovely voice.

    1. Thanks Rachel. Maybe she heard it on Luxembourg. We had an old valve radio which picked up Luxembourg even though we were on the Irish Sea coast. One time I won a tv / radio / cassette cube from a Radio Luxembourg contest.

    2. It was on after I went to bed really. We may have had the Jo Stafford record because my parents had quite a large collection of 78s most of which I could sing along to, once I came along that is. It must have been a bit later for it to be a tv/radio cube prize.

    3. There used to be a weekly requests programme on the BBC home service or whatever it was called. I can remember the Bill Bailey song, and the Laughing Policeman which always had me in stitches.

  2. I remember my dad playing his The Seekers records and Scarlet Ribbons was always on the play list.

    1. Thank Dave. I didn't know that. I saw the New Seekers live but not the old ones.


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