Monday, 11 December 2017

Martin's 7-year Hitch.

The wolf is stirring.

Before we know it, it will bare its hungry teeth.

The latest Martin Schulz Plan calls for the creation of a Vereinigten Staaten von Europa (a United States of Europe) by 2025.

EU countries not in the United Sates of Europe automatically exit the EU says Schulz.

Doubtless the creation of the USE (VSE)  will be accomplished in the traditional EU manner: "step by step until there is no going back" (Juncker).

Citing the immigrant crisis, the terrorist crisis, the usual suspects (the Russians),  the Ukraine crisis, and the next crisis and the crisis after the next crisis, a mega-expensive military arm of the Eurozone's military-financial-industrial complex, possibly paid for with a new EU tax and led by someone like Herr Schulz or his appointed Deputy will one day lead  the willing and the unwilling EU sheeple out of the "step by step" chaos they have created, and into the blue and starry promise of paradise.

Only 7 or 8 years then, and the wolf will be in the fold.

Unwilling sheeple will find there's no escape.

No going back.

And no divorce.


  1. The man is weak and talking nonsense. Strong talk to win the voters? I think not.

  2. A United States of Europe will of course eventually be determined because this is the obvious outcome. Wether it will be in 7 or 20 years time this will come to fruition, that is my thoughts and hopes.

    1. Ever since I read The Good Soldier Svjek and the antics of Austro-Hingarian Habsburg Empire, which very much resembled today's EU I've been highly skeptical. I think a commonwealth of nations is a sensible way to proceed.

    2. Today's top headline on Rai1 in Italy: EU Actively Supporting System of Torture and Abuse in Libya (Amnesty Report). Be careful what you wish for the EU. The EU has it's favorites.

    3. There's a map of one of the EU's pet projects - PESCO - at Free West Media this morning. The 21 member countries in the northern hemisphere are all painted a kind of EU blue. Germany, Turkey and USA are blue. Austria, Eire and Switzerland are not. I think I know the group I prefer to be in.

  3. All I know is this that Ireland has greatly benefitted from being in the EU. Our financial mess a few years ago was all of our own making and due to the greed and blind ignorance, hopefully we have now learned.

    1. Thanks H. I hope as you do. Non-EU Iceland is a role model in how to deal with financial criminals.


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