Saturday, 22 December 2018

It's what Les would say

Disruption at London's second busiest international airport as 110,000 passengers found themselves unable to travel due to flights being cancelled due to illegal drone activity.

The chaos was brought to an end with the deployment of specialist equipment by the military and the arrest of a middle aged couple by the police.

Mr L Dawson of Manchester tweeted:

"Couples will do anything to avoid Christmas with the mother in law."


  1. Good one Gwil. Are you here all week?

    1. I'm certainly not going near any airports!

  2. Yes, and when the pc brigade complained about his MIL jokes and he had to pull them from his act he said that it was always the MILs that loved them most and asked for more of them.

    1. I remember that very well. At the time I thought it won't be long before the pc brigade complain about people making jokes about their pets and other animals.
      Here's one for Dave:
      A 3-legged dog wandered into town. He was wearing a pair of shootin' irons. And he looked mean.
      Somebody ran to get the sheriff. The sheriff came and said: Hey, three-legged dog what're doin' in town?
      Three-legged dog said: Sherrif, I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Spelling mistake - I will try again. What I meant to say was that I automatically thought the culprits would be young - must stop making assumptions.

    1. My first off piste reaction as I posted on Rachel's blog was it'd be a local resident driven mad by planes flying over his house day and night. I hadn't thought about the ages. But I had in mind a man like the one on my dad's favorite TV series - One Foot in the Grave. Dad was just like him.


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