Friday, 14 December 2018

Urinal as art?

It happened once that 500 art experts voted a urinal as one of the most important artworks of the 20th century.

Recently I saw this artifact in an exhibition of artworks and I wondered what other commonplace object ought to be designated as an important artwork.

What about an igloo? It also has a curved and attractive shape.

And you could hang this picture inside.  

Or how about a wooden Father Christmas ornament? Also suitable for the home.

Or if you'd prefer it, a book with a portrait on the cover?

Or some bags of cement? Not much use in an igloo.

A bicycle to hang a wall? This one is in a hotel reception area. It fills a space.

Off-piste* here's a Jean Claude Juncker presidential greeting. Pass me a paper bag please, I feel quite queasy.

Jean Claude cut it out.  I'm trying to eat my pizza!

What about a photo of the Empress Elisabeth of Austria?

And a beach hut away from it all?

Here's the Union Flag!   How proudly I carried it for my team at the European Masters Mountain Running Championships 2012 in Austria.  To me the British flag is a work of art and a symbol for freedom and democracy.

It is far superior to the humble urinal which 500 experts thought to be important. And you can't say that about every national flag in the world.

*We've been neglecting the humble hyphen Rachel. 


  1. It is very significant to art. Without it you would still be looking at old masters and be 100 years behind.

    The humble hyphen, dash, we must do better.

    1. Indeed we must. Those pissoirs in Paris where you can look over the top while you pass water are also artworks. I checked one out once. I wonder if they still have them.

    2. Looks like they've gone the way of the dinosaur. Some blogs speak of the last remaining one being in the 13th district.

  2. The urinal can't be art because its useful. Oscar Wilde said that art is useless. I wouldn't call the urinal beautiful either.

    1. Dave, art can be useful ---->

      Eduard Degas purchased once
      A fine El Greco which he kept
      Against the wall beside his bed
      To hang his pants on while he slept.
      (Richard Wilbur)

  3. Art, like beauty, is to some extent in the eye of the beholder Gwil. My personal favourite in the above photos is of you holding that iconic flag.

    1. Thanks Pat. It's more than a flag isn't it? As you say an icon. A whole t-shirt industry in every land, even the poorest and remotest, you'll see somebody wearing a union jack t-shirt, even here in Vienna on the trams and outside places where young people gather it is by far the most popular. That's a sign of hope for the future even though the times are dark at present.


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