Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The 18%

A Gallup poll published in my morning paper reports that only 18% of German would be prepared to take up arms to defend their country. The figure for the USA is 44%.  India is 75% and Pakistan is 89%.

Between them the countries of Germany, France, USA, Russia and China export 75% of the world's weapons of war.


  1. I think conscription would probably make people join up if their countries went to war.

    1. It is rapidly becoming 'unerwunchst' to think of yourself as belonging to a country here in mainland Europe. Even Napoleon, sorry I mean Macron said there's no such thing as a a true Frenchman. Mind you he was in Denmark the land of Hamlet when he said it. Now he's banging on about the need for the EU Army. Conscription or no conscription it'll be fill the ranks boys! Not for the liberty of France but for global power. And in shadows behind him smiling will be the banker he used to work for. Maybe he still does.

  2. Gonna lay down my heavy load
    Down by the riverside
    Ain't gonna study war no more.

    Keeping an eye on the prize...

    1. The next war in Europe will be a civil war. As the last one was in Yugoslavia. They never learn the lessons of history or if they do they ignore them for short term gain.

  3. If it was war to defend yourself from an enemy it would be different to going off to fight in wars in far off lands that have nothing to do with you. I suspect some of the figures would change if people really thought about it in these terms.

    1. For the Vietnam war the boys were conscripted according to the first letter of their surnames. What was that song? Nineteen. Their average age. You'll not be allowed to think about it. If it's your turn you'll be in "the far off lands" before you know it. I can only recommend the actions of Dylan Tomas - drink ten pints of beer before you go for the medical.

    2. Defence of one's own backyard is a different thing. But unfortunately it begins according to military thinking in 'far off lands'.

    3. Totally different going off to defeat the Taliban and make Afghanistan a better place to live.

    4. Also they have to 'persuade' the customer to use the stuff so they can sell him more.

  4. todays war weapon
    this loss of civility
    fear speaking their lifes truth
    silent blood

    1. the moving finger writes . . .
      the pen
      is dipped in blood

  5. Not many countries would ask their citizens "Would you terribly mind joining our army for a while?". I expect they'd be TOLD in no uncertain terms!

    1. I heard of a man who actually went to live in the US because he wanted to be drafted into the Vietnam war. Apparently he thought it'd be exciting. Somebody I knew got a letter saying he'd got his wish. He was never heard of again. I hope we're too old for Macron's nEU barmy army Cro.

  6. And yet, in the US popular admiration for "those who serve" is almost akin to hero worship.

    1. I think in the UK something "akin to hero worship" exists from time to time but is not unconditional. I believe it depends on the cause. It was at its peak during the Falklands War. After that, less so. It evaporated under the leadership of Blair who many see as a war criminal.


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