Thursday, 12 September 2019

On the Road with Boris . . .

Politics is all swings and roundabouts until . . . 

Of a sudden political wilderness beckons . . . 

Things ungood lurk in the shadows.

Boris, as we've come to expect, stands firm.

 Meanwhile I greet some friendly Austrians. Carpe Diem!


  1. Is the man with the red hat really Boris?

    1. Hi Dave. Maybe a clone. Nothing is guaranteed on this blog.

    2. For some strange reason this link won't link but it's googleable

  2. Replies
    1. Pat, it could be worse. I saw a carpenters folding ruler unfolded on the front bench. God forbid that one ever takes over! I have his measure.

  3. Poor fellow (in the general sense only). He really is on his own and the walls are closing in.

    1. His appeal is to be heard on Tuesday at the Supreme Court in London. Will they overturn the Scottish High Court ruling and if they do will it lead to Scottish Independence people taking to the streets in Scotland. Will it be the proverbial final straw? Having read the Yellowhammer Report (apart from the redacted section) I almost feel I'm like a character in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and a mad nurse with a big needle is out to get me.

    2. Well, now we have the verdict. Lady Hale pronounced it and wore her spider brooch when she did so. BoJo's 5 week prorogation of Parliament UNLAWFUL.
      O what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. Guess he'll not be too popular when, or if, he turns up in Parliament tomorrow. The question is will he have considered his position. Will he resign? I think he must. He can't expect to pull the same stunt again can he? And if he did can the queen fooled once refuse to sign it?


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