Tuesday 4 October 2016

the doctor and the zodiac

Ophluchus - the doctor and the snake

The so-called signs of the zodiac are of unequal length;  the sun is in Scorpio for only 7 days, but in Virgo for 45 days, and so on.

A line drawn from Earth to the Sun, the alignment, points to Ophiuchus for 18 days a year.

Between 29th November and 17th December the Earth is in the house of Ophiuchus. 

The houses number 13.

13 is not 12.

Ophiuchus is a doctor or serpent bearer. A healer.

Just what the world needs.

20 Jan - 16 Feb - Capricorn

16 Feb - 11 Mar - Aquarius

11 Mar - 18 Apr - Pisces

18 Apr - 13 May - Aries

13 May - 21 Jne - Taurus

21 Jne - 20 Jly - Gemini

20 Jly - 10 Aug - Cancer

10 Aug - 16 Sep - Leo

16 Sep - 30 Oct - Virgo

30 Oct - 23 Nov - Libra

23 Nov - 29 Nov - Scorpio

29 Nov - 17 Dec - Ophluchus

17 Dec - 20 Jan - Sagittarius