Tuesday 20 February 2018

Fridge Magnets galore - - -

- - -  the four in the drawer:

Measure yourself by your own standards, not by someone else's.

People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.

Don't Quack!

Think About It 


  1. Replies
    1. Check out Magyar 's doggie fridge magnet message in reply below ;-)

  2. "A beagle magnet."
    __ Since I like cats, I must have been a dog in that other life; that explains why (the fifth in the drawer); "I slow down as I walk by a fire hydrant."

  3. Gwil - I have just seen Vienna on the News at the Brexit talks (yawn) - oh how beautiful it looks in the snow - even snow on that lovely 'gold' statue of a violinist. And then an ice rink in front of the palace. You didn't tell us the weather was so beautiful.

    1. Unfortunately we have workmen here and the snow is hindering their progress. I would be enjoying it otherwise. The statue you refer to is Johann Strauss the so so called king of the waltz.


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