Thursday, 24 January 2019

"Have you ever wondered . . ."


  1. The people are told by government what they are to believe and what they are to say and what they cannot say but underneath it all the people still hold their true beliefs but are not allowed to say them.

    1. That's it in a nutshell. When people remain silent they become enslaved.

      Americans will never give up the FIRST amendment. They can basically say what they like. Europeans could learn something from them.

    2. It is the same for President Trump as for anyone else. He speaks his mind and he is condemned. He keeps quiet and then what? You know that there is mile upon mile of fence between Mexico and US already, signed and agreed by the Democrats and there for 20 years already. 650 miles in Arizona. Helps the borders. Nobody says anything about that. Why do the Democrats not do the same now? Keep quiet, brush it under the carpet. Sheer bloody mindedness. You want the whole lot in, do away with the borders then. Why are they running in to the land of milk and honey every day? To get what they can.

    3. Why not privatize the wall and lease it back to the US Government. I can see a business opportunity here. Blue chip shares on the horizon. It could even be a tourist attraction like the Great Wall of China. There could be a theme park and all kinds of wonderful spin offs. It's a wonder no one has grasped it.

    4. The Macron-Merkel EU Army Pact is not getting as much news time as it should.

  2. Yes, the key is "saying what they see." Trump unleashed that power in this country, the day after his inauguration. 114 weeks gone, 93 to the next presidential election.

    1. Mr Powell was 'exiled' to Ulster for his trouble. He was basically 'never heard of again' in the public arena. He called it as he saw it. I respect him for that. He always came across to neutral observer as an honorable man. Many people on both sides of the great divide disagreed with him and that is their right.

  3. I see the Dutch have banned advisory referendums? Saves a lot of problems I suppose? Are you listening Mrs May?

    1. Thanks Dave. I didn't know that. There's seems to be a lot of banning going on these days. Won't happen in Germany of course. Referendums are illegal there. Always have been. Never change a winning formula, eh!

  4. At the time when he said this - and also his much more famous speech - he was my M.P!

    1. Then you are privileged. He reminds me of my grandad, an articulate speaker who always spoke his mind. And believed in what he said. They are few and far between.


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