Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Pound on dogs

Here is a supplement to yesterday's post, my story of a wise king (whose name incidentally was Dharmaputra) and his faithful friend - his dog.

Today I look at a couple short poems concerning dogs and humans.  Mr Singh's  Italian translations are here to help me with my Italian studies. But if I need a second excuse it is that Italian is to my ear the most beautiful language for song and poetry and I enjoy reading them out loud even when I don't understand every single word!


When I carefully consider the curious habits of dogs
I am compelled to conclude
That man is the superior animal.

When I consider the curious habits of man
I confess, my friend, I am puzzled.


Quando noto attentamente le curiose abitudini dei cani
Sono costretto a concludere
Che l'uomo e l'animale superiore.

Quando considero le curiose abitudini dell'uomo 
Confesso, amico, che mi sento perplesso. 

The Seeing Eye

The small dogs look at the big dogs;
They observe unwieldy dimensions
And curious imperfections of odour.
Here is a formal male group:
The young men look upon their seniors,
They consider the elderly mind
And observe its inexplicable correlations.

Said Tsin-Tsu:
It is only in small dogs and the young
That we find minute observation.

L'occhio che vede

I cani piccoli guardano i cani grandi;
Osservano le dimensioni ingombranti
E le curiose imperfezioni dell'odore.
Qui c'e un formale gruppo maschile:
I giovani guardano con rispetto i grandi,
Essi considerano la mente anziana
E notano le sue correlazioni inspiegabili.

Disse Tsin-Tsu:
E solo nei piccoli cani e nei giovani
Che troviamo l'osservazione minuta. 


  1. No problem in understanding these - as a dog owner and as an old woman I understand both perfectly and can only say 'how true'

    1. I think so. By the way, there are so many dogs round here I don't need to get one of my own. There's even a guy from Peru I think who walks other people's dogs every day. Sometimes as many as five.


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