Monday 19 March 2018

20% 0ff?

Question 1:  

Would you pay 2 pounds 34 pence for 2 lbs 3 oz of sausage? (Metric equivalent: 2 euros and 66 cents per kilo)  The price shown in the newspaper advert is for 1.5 kilos of sausage. 

Question 2: Would you feed it to your children? 

Question 3: Would you eat it yourself?

Question 4: Would you feed it to your dog?

Question 5: Would you let your dog eat it?

Question 6: Would you try and feed it to your cat?

Question 7: Would your cat eat it?

Question 8: Do you think the 20% Cheaper! flash would persuade you to buy the product? 

Question 9: Would you serve this product to your friends?  

Question 10: Would you do any or all of the above if the product was labelled "Quality from Austria".** 

** "Quality from Austria" means only that a product was 'produced' in Austria. It doesn't mean that the raw materials, that is to say the ingredients, are from Austria. Hardly anybody knows where they come from!  Meaning of labels: from website of  Konsument  Consumer Magazine - '20 Sausages Tested' (2010).

Bonus Question:  Why is animal welfare important?


  1. Why do they make mince meat and make it into burgers...? Who knows what we eat without either growing our own, butchering our own livestock or having an honest butcher? We just don't know.

    1. Thanks Dave. I know what you mean. Unfortunately much of the "meat industry" as it's called these days has not many scruples.
      There are meat scandals almost every other week. One famous one I can remember involved sausages made from meat imported from Canada for feeding zoo animals.

    2. This zoo meat scandal was exposed only through another scandal which was out-of-date meat being sent from Bavaria to make kebabs in Berlin.

  2. I rarely eat meat unless I know the particular source - much easier out here in the country. Also twenty percent off does not attract me - there's always a catch somewhere.

    1. " there's always a catch somewhere ". Wise words as ever!

      Thank you.

  3. My mother always bought beef to mince herself and knew what cuts she wanted for what end product of her cooking and where meat came from on the beast.


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